
UAE Women’s Associations: The Influence of the General Women’s Union

The General Women’s Union stands as a cornerstone in the advancement of women’s rights and empowerment in the United Arab Emirates. Founded in 1975, this organization has been at the forefront of promoting gender equality and social justice for UAE women. Its influence extends across various sectors, including education, health, and the workforce, shaping policies and initiatives that have a significant impact on the lives of women throughout the nation.

Under the leadership of Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, the General Women’s Union has spearheaded numerous programs to boost women’s participation in government, business, and STEM fields. The organization works closely with UN Women and other international bodies to align UAE women’s rights with global standards. Its efforts have led to improvements in maternity leave policies, increased representation in the Federal National Council, and support for women entrepreneurs. The Union’s ongoing commitment to gender balance and human rights in the UAE continues to drive progress in women’s empowerment across all aspects of society.

Historical Background of the General Women’s Union

Establishment in 1975

On August 27, 1975, the UAE General Women’s Union came into existence under the chairmanship of HH Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak. This organization was established to serve as the national mechanism for the empowerment and entrepreneurship of women in the United Arab Emirates. The formation of the General Women’s Union marked a significant milestone in the country’s commitment to advancing women’s rights and participation in society.

Vision and Mission

The General Women’s Union’s vision centers on creating a society where women play an active and influential role in all aspects of life. Its mission focuses on empowering UAE women to reach their full potential in various fields. The organization aims to support women in becoming lawyers, authors, artists, politicians, CEOs, doctors, students, and poets. It strives to create an environment where women are encouraged to pursue their dreams, even in the face of challenges, knowing that their gender will not limit their opportunities for success.

Leadership of Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak

Under the leadership of Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, affectionately known as the “Mother of the Nation,” the General Women’s Union has made significant strides in promoting women’s rights and empowerment. Sheikha Fatima’s guidance has been instrumental in shaping the organization’s initiatives and programs. Her vision extends beyond the UAE, as she has shown a keen interest in supporting Arab women and women worldwide. This commitment has led to the development of partnerships with international organizations and the implementation of global initiatives.

The General Women’s Union, under Sheikha Fatima’s direction, has been at the forefront of efforts to involve women at all levels of government and business. This approach has set the UAE apart in recognizing that it cannot fully realize its economic, political, and cultural potential without the complete participation of half its citizens. The organization has played a crucial role in developing national strategies for empowering various segments of society, including people of determination, demonstrating its commitment to inclusive development.

Key Initiatives and Programs

The General Women’s Union has implemented various initiatives and programs to support women’s empowerment in the UAE. These efforts span across education, vocational training, and family support services.

Education and literacy programs

The Second Chance Education program, a flagship initiative of the General Women’s Union, aims to offer women and girls who faced barriers to education a second opportunity. This program helps them acquire essential skills, knowledge, and qualifications. As of June 30, 2023, it had reached 113,079 women, with 40,398 registrants accessing online learning through 85 learning hubs. The program offers opportunities to return to formal education, providing entrepreneurship education, employment and vocational skills, as well as life, basic, and digital skills.

Vocational training

The General Women’s Union has placed a strong emphasis on vocational training to enhance women’s economic participation. Out of the total participants in the Second Chance Education program, 34,465 women have started to earn an income through entrepreneurship and formal employment opportunities. The program offers a personalized approach that removes restrictions on women’s participation in education and provides pathways for entrepreneurship and vocational training.

Family support services

The General Women’s Union has extended its support to families, particularly those in need. In collaboration with Zayed Higher Organization, it has included economic and commercial projects for people of determination within the “My Store” virtual market for productive families. This initiative aims to develop sustainable social solutions that improve the lifestyle of people of determination and encourage their development across the Emirates.

The organization also provides psychological support services to Palestinian families at Emirates Humanitarian City. Additionally, under the patronage of Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, the Family Development Foundation launched the Kindness and Mercy campaign to further support families in need.

These initiatives demonstrate the General Women’s Union’s commitment to empowering women across various aspects of life, from education and economic participation to family well-being and social inclusion.

Impact on UAE Women’s Rights and Empowerment

The General Women’s Union has had a significant influence on advancing women’s rights and empowerment in the UAE. Through its various initiatives and programs, the organization has played a crucial role in shaping policies and creating opportunities for women across different sectors.

Advocacy for legal reforms

The UAE has made remarkable progress in gender equality, advancing its position in the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Gender Inequality Index. As of 2019, the UAE ranked 18th globally and was the top-ranked Arab nation in the index. This progress has been supported by numerous initiatives, programs, and legislative changes introduced to advance women’s rights.

One notable achievement is the 2018 Cabinet announcement of the Law on Equal Wages and Salaries for Men and Women. This law mandates that women be paid wages equal to their male colleagues, further enhancing gender balance and narrowing the gender gap in the workplace.

Promoting women in leadership

The General Women’s Union has been instrumental in promoting women’s participation in leadership roles. In 2012, the UAE became the first Arab country and the second in the world to introduce mandatory appointment of women on boards of government institutions. Similarly, in 2015, the UAE Securities and Commodities Authority mandated that no less than 20% of board members of public companies should be women.

These efforts have yielded significant results. As of 2019, women occupy 66% of public sector jobs in the UAE, one of the highest proportions worldwide. Moreover, 30% of women hold senior leadership positions associated with decision-making roles. In the diplomatic service, 49.5% of employees in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are women, including high-profile female ambassadors in major embassies.

Supporting women entrepreneurs

The General Women’s Union has also played a crucial role in supporting women entrepreneurs. Business women councils across the country provide key functions, including supporting women in starting businesses, offering training, and creating networking opportunities. Initiatives like Sougha, from the Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development, support rural women in preserving local handicrafts and selling their products.

These efforts have contributed to women business-owners accounting for 10% of the total private sector in the UAE. They run projects worth more than AED 40 billion and constitute 15% of the members of the boards of directors of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

The General Women’s Union has had a significant impact on the advancement of women’s rights and empowerment in the UAE. Its initiatives have helped to shape policies, create opportunities, and support women across various sectors, from education and entrepreneurship to leadership roles in government and business. The organization’s efforts have contributed to the UAE’s progress in gender equality, as evidenced by its improved ranking in the UNDP Gender Inequality Index and the implementation of laws promoting equal pay and representation.

Looking ahead, the General Women’s Union’s ongoing commitment to women’s empowerment is likely to continue driving positive change in UAE society. By supporting education, vocational training, and family services, the organization is helping to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for women to thrive. As the UAE moves forward, the work of the General Women’s Union will remain crucial to ensure that women can fully participate in and contribute to the nation’s economic, political, and social development.

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Abdul Razak Bello

International Property Consultant | Founder of Dubai Car Finder | Social Entrepreneur | Philanthropist | Business Innovation | Investment Consultant | Founder Agripreneur Ghana | Humanitarian | Business Management
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