30th ITS World CongressEconomyLifestyleWe the UAE 2031

UAE’s Travel and Tourism Supremacy in MENA Region

In a remarkable affirmation of its strategic initiatives and investments in the tourism sector, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as a leader in the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Development Index, outperforming other countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This notable achievement underscores the UAE’s commitment to fostering tourism growth, enhancing international tourist arrivals, and solidifying its status among the top travel and tourist destinations globally. The significance of this accomplishment not only highlights the UAE’s successful tourism strategies but also places it favorably on the global map, inviting comparisons with Europe countries and regions known for their tourism prowess.

The article delves into the factors contributing to the UAE’s commendable position in the tourism rankings, including extensive tourism development, significant tourism investments, and the hosting of major tourism events that attract visitors worldwide. It further compares the tourism achievements of the UAE with its closest competitors within the MENA region, notably Saudi Arabia, showcasing the dynamics and potential of the region’s travel and tourism market. Focusing on tourism UAE, the discussion extends to the broader impact of the World Economic Forum’s ranking on the UAE’s tourism industry, elaborating on how it influences tourism growth, strengthens international relations, and fosters economic diversification. Through this examination, the article provides insights into the strategic moves and industry trends that have positioned the UAE as a beacon of tourism excellence in the MENA region and beyond.

The UAE’s Rise in the WEF’s Travel and Tourism Development Index

Key Performance Metrics

  1. Ranking and Recovery Post-Pandemic
    • The UAE, as the Arab world’s second-largest economy, ranks 18th globally on the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Development Index. This impressive position is highlighted by the Emirates’ swift recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, which significantly bolstered its tourism sector.
  2. Score Improvement
    • Between 2019 and 2024, the UAE improved its score by 4.4 percent. This improvement demonstrates the country’s robust capabilities in several crucial areas such as business environment, safety, and information and communications technology.
  3. Infrastructure Investments
    • Major cities within the UAE, like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, have made significant investments in tourism and aviation infrastructure. Dubai, for instance, hosted over 5 million international overnight visitors in the first quarter of 2024 alone, marking a noticeable increase from the previous year. Additionally, Abu Dhabi is planning to invest over $10 billion in infrastructure to support its ambitious Abu Dhabi Tourism Strategy 2030.

Comparative Performance in High-Income Economies

  • The UAE, alongside Saudi Arabia, stands out among high-income economies for showing the most substantial improvement in their scores on the index between 2019 and 2024. This places both countries in the top 10 for most improved nations globally, underscoring their strategic efforts to enhance their travel and tourism sectors.

Factors Contributing to the UAE’s Success

Government Initiatives

The UAE’s rise as a tourism leader can largely be attributed to its proactive government initiatives. The UAE Tourism Strategy 2031, part of the ambitious ‘Projects of the 50’, aims to elevate the tourism sector’s GDP contribution to AED 450 billion by 2031. This strategic plan includes collaboration across various governmental and federal entities, enhancing the nation’s appeal as a global tourism hub. These initiatives not only promote tourism but also provide significant incentives for industry growth, ensuring a steady stream of tourists and investments.

Private Sector Involvement

Public-private partnerships have been pivotal in amplifying the impact of governmental efforts. These collaborations create a sustainable environment for tourism development, involving key stakeholders like the UAE Central Bank, major airlines, and international companies. The synergy between the public and private sectors fosters innovation and drives the continuous growth of the tourism industry, making the UAE a competitive player on the global stage.

Infrastructure Investments

Significant investments in infrastructure have further solidified the UAE’s status as a top tourist destination. From the development of world-class airports and hotels to the enhancement of local amenities such as parks, roads, and public utilities, these projects are tailored to improve the overall tourism experience. Each investment is strategically planned to meet the needs of visitors, ensuring that the UAE remains at the forefront of tourism development and continues to attract international tourists and investors alike.

Comparing UAE with Other MENA Countries

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, following closely behind the UAE, has demonstrated significant progress in the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index. It ranks as the second-highest in the MENA region, moving from 43rd place in 2019 to 33rd in 2021. This leap reflects the kingdom’s efforts in managing travel demand to prevent overtourism and its emphasis on safety and digital technology application. However, it faced challenges in international openness, which slightly hindered its overall performance.


Qatar has also made notable strides, securing the third position in the MENA region and ranking 44th globally. Its advancement is attributed to its efforts in tourism and travel, as indicated by the World Economic Forum’s 2019 survey. Qatar’s commitment to enhancing its tourism sector is evident, but it still trails behind the UAE in terms of overall score and global ranking.


Bahrain, another key player in the GCC, has shown a moderate performance compared to its counterparts. In the global tourism index, Bahrain ranked behind Qatar and the UAE, occupying the 47th spot. Despite this, Bahrain’s unique cultural and historical offerings continue to make it a valuable tourism destination within the MENA region.

The UAE’s leading position in the MENA region is underscored by its top-notch airports, air transport, and high scores for smart services and safety. It scored 5.09 points on a scale from 1 to 7, outperforming other GCC countries and notable global destinations. The comparative analysis highlights the UAE’s exceptional progress and its role as a benchmark for tourism development in the region.

Impact of the Ranking on UAE’s Tourism Industry

Economic Implications

The UAE’s ascendancy in the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index has profound economic implications. By achieving first place in the MENA region and 18th globally, the UAE demonstrates its robust capability in fostering a sustainable travel and tourism industry. This remarkable improvement, with a 4.4 percent increase in its score, reflects the country’s strategic investments in tourism policy, infrastructure, and sustainability. Such a prestigious ranking not only enhances the UAE’s reputation as a premier tourist destination but also acts as a magnet for international investments. The influx of tourists, spurred by the country’s enhanced global image, contributes significantly to the national economy, with tourism-related activities bolstering the GDP.

  1. Boost in International Tourist Arrivals: The Middle East, led by the UAE, has witnessed the highest recovery rates in international tourist arrivals, surging 20 percent above 2019 levels. This rebound surpasses the global recovery trend, where regions like Europe, Africa, and the Americas are regaining 90 percent of their pre-COVID-19 tourist movements.
  2. Investment Attraction: The UAE’s strategic location and improved ranking have attracted substantial investments in tourism and aviation infrastructure. Dubai and Abu Dhabi, in particular, have seen significant investments aimed at expanding their capacity to accommodate the growing demand from international visitors.

Future Projections

The World Economic Forum’s report anticipates a bright future for the global tourism industry, with the UAE poised to play a pivotal role. The country’s travel and tourism sector is expected to surpass pre-pandemic levels, driven by a worldwide surge in demand, more available air travel, and increased international openness. Investments in natural and cultural attractions are expected to further enhance the UAE’s appeal as a top tourist destination.

  • Sustainable Growth: The UAE’s focus on sustainable tourism development, alongside its strategic investments in infrastructure, positions it well for continued growth in the sector. The country’s ability to attract visitors from around the globe, coupled with its commitment to enhancing the travel experience, promises a sustainable upward trajectory in tourist arrivals and investments.
  • Economic Transformation: The travel and tourism sector’s contribution to the global economy, reaching pre-pandemic levels at $9.9 trillion, underscores its potential for economic and social transformation. The UAE, with its strategic initiatives and investments, is at the forefront of leveraging this potential, aiming for a transformative impact on its economy and society.

Through this comprehensive analysis, it is evident that the United Arab Emirates’ strategic investments and initiatives in the travel and tourism sector have not only crowned it as a leader in the MENA region but also earmarked it on the global tourism map. The UAE’s success, highlighted by its impressive ranking in the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Development Index, is a testament to the effective collaboration between government and private stakeholders, coupled with significant investments in infrastructure and technology. This synergy has not only propelled the UAE above its regional competitors but also established it as a formidable player in the global tourism landscape, inviting favorable comparisons with the world’s most renowned tourist destinations.

The implications of the UAE’s rank on its travel and tourism industry extend beyond mere accolades, influencing a profound economic impact and paving the way for sustainable growth and development. As the UAE continues to innovate and invest in enriching its tourism offerings, it sets a benchmark for the region and the world, promising a bright future for its economy and its standing as a premier global tourism hub. The journey of the UAE in ascending the ranks of the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Tourism Development Index is not just a story of economic success but a blueprint for other nations aspiring to enhance their tourism industries and economic diversification.

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Abdul Razak Bello

International Property Consultant | Founder of Dubai Car Finder | Social Entrepreneur | Philanthropist | Business Innovation | Investment Consultant | Founder Agripreneur Ghana | Humanitarian | Business Management
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